Lauren Emerson

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Multiples In Space & Time

In relation to our project, Tufte brings up the point that when static images are used to display time, they loose their motion and rhythm. For us, with flash and ability to include video, this shouldn’t be as much of a challenge. On page 112 there is a discussion of “false temporal struggles.” In addition to the lack of new, interesting data being presented because the items are sorted by color, the discussion of groupings reminds me of the Gestalt theory and how placing items near each other physiologically makes them one object. Attention needs to be directed to objects placed near each other when discussing information graphics. This same idea is related to Tufte’s suggestion of when using low-resolution screens, images should be separated by multiple pages to achieve contrast. With computers today, I would disagree because even on a low-resolution Internet page, if items are spaced and arranged correctly with plenty of white space to breathe, contrast can be achieved.

As for the final sentence of the article, I love it. Today’s world bombards you with visual noise through advertisements, television, etc. If the image isn’t going to communicate something worthwhile it is just going to be annoying.


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